Iaspis Open Studios
Autumn 2020
September 17–23

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Open Studios
Grant Holders
17–23/9 Programme

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Iaspis Open Studios happens twice a year in Stockholm featuring Swedish and international grant holders. Usually, it is a one-day event where artists, architects, and designers in residence generously open the doors to their studios and invite the public to hear about their practices and to see some of their work-in-progress. This autumn, due to COVID-19, Open Studios has been transformed into a digital platform. The programme unfolds over seven days presenting artists' work and their work-in-progress, conversations, art, live performance and happenings, a talk, and shorter films about Iaspis.

This Open Studios online platform is developed by curator Sara Rossling, project manager for Open Studios 2020, and Johnny Chang, graphic designer for Open Studios 2020, together with the Iaspis team. We hope you will use the platform to explore the various artists' practices, engage in a wide range of urgent discussions, and to take the opportunity to get in contact with the artists by booking physical or digital studio visits.

Iaspis is the Swedish Arts Grants Committee's international programme for Visual and Applied Artists. Its mission is to work with internationalisation in various ways with the aim of increasing and developing contacts between Swedish artists and international institutions, fellow artists, the general public and the markets with the aim of contributing to artistic development and improved working and income opportunities. This is done by means of direct support for various forms of international cultural exchange, studio programmes in Sweden and abroad, informational activities and expert visits, as well as via a public programme of activities which formulate and explore topical issues in contemporary visual art and design from an international perspective.

Johan Pousette, Director
Lena Malm, Project Manager Visual Arts
Henrik Högberg, Administrator
Magnus Ericson, Project Manager Applied Arts
Christer Chytraéus, Administrator
Annika Björkman, Project Manager Applied and Visual Arts


→ View More: A tour of Iaspis' premises
→ View More: Iaspis’ public programme
→ View More: Open Studios and the Iaspis residency programme during COVID-19